It is estimated that each year nearly 3 million students leave college due to a small, unexpected financial expense, such as a car repair bill, medical expense, or increase in child care costs. To address this issue, Reos Partners, an international consulting firm that facilitates collaboration on complex challenges, convened the Emergency Aid Lab. The lab brought together Student Services professionals, Financial Aid professionals, students, faculty, and other higher education leaders, to determine how to design an effective emergency aid program that supports student success. This video gives voice to the experience of lab participants. The lessons from the lab are currently being integrated by Reos Partners into the Roadmap for Effective Emergency Aid, which includes an interactive, online course; in-person workshops led by Reos Partners; and ongoing coaching. The Roadmap will be available in the fall of 2019. For more information on the Roadmap, contact: Monica Pohlmann, Principal, Reos Partners, at
On the Verge
Financial costs and challenges go well beyond tuition for lower income students who want to stay in school and succeed.